Turn Your Passion into a Viable Online Business

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You may be wondering why I would ask  building a viable online business has to do with knitting.  You would be forgiven for thinking it an odd totalk about on a site about learning how to knit.

The subject matter of this site is one of my passions (knitting) and learning how to build viable online business with this website has become another one of my passions.  If you have a interest that you are passionate about, you could build a website like this one.  I know this to be true because if I can do it (with the help of SBI), then anyone can!

This website is just one example of how a person can turn their passion into a viable and growing part time business (in their spare time no less...) 

Obviously, one of my passions (and a subject I know a reasonable bit about) is knitting.  So when I was looking for a subject for my website (which I was hoping would become a viable online business...and it did), selecting this topic was a bit of a no-brainer and that is kind of reflected in the domain name I chose.  

I do like to knit with natural fibres - the first meaning for the name, but then, knitting was the obvious choice so if you had asked me what my site was going to be about when I was just getting started, I would have said - knitting  of course (or knitting naturally).

So, Can You Turn your Passion into a Viable Online Business?

Is there something that you do, a subject that you are passionate about? Do you have some free time that you could use to build an online business?  I know what you are thinking - it is just too hard - you wouldn't know where to start.

Guess what - if you intend to go it alone you would be right!  Did you know that 99% of online entrepreneurs fail?  Want to know why?

No product, no plan, no process, no (or poor) tools...

If you don't have a product and a plan on how to sell it you are doomed. Without a plan, you will flounder around getting nowhere fast.

And good tools are essential.

Technical Barriers

(HTML, CSS, FTP, CGI, Javascript, Search Engine mastery, etc.)

If you are new to the website building business the technical barriers can stop you before you start and it is way too expensive to hire the skills required to leap those barriers.  With this system you can get started with absolutely zero knowledge of all this techie stuff, you will learn some as you go along but you really don't need to.  The tools provided by SBI take care of all that for you and you only have to dig deeper if you want to learn more about what the system is doing for you.

I did learn more over the years, I moved from block builder to  uploading my own html and then moved back to block builder when the new and improved block builder 2 was released.  I also build my online store (and rebuilt it on a different platform several times) and have a few smaller sites on Wordpress.  But that was my choice.  

If you are not interested in developing or designing in html, css (or any of the others), you really don't have to.  What you see on this site is all block builder 2, there is very little of my coding left on the site.  So like I said, you can build a beautiful site that functions really well with absolutely not technical knowledge at all! 

Hype and Outright Fraud

The web is over-run by snake oil salesmen, selling so many get-rich-quick schemes, offering no or low investment, no effort and no selling. But by some miracle these products promise quick and easy riches!

Naturally, common sense dictates that no company in their right mind would sell a get-rich-quick product that truly worked. SBI is not one of them.  The company tells you upfront that the secret to your success if BAM.  If you don't put in the effort, you will not get the results and it is going to take time.  But then when was the last time you built something that was solid, viable and sustainable overnight?  You put in the time and effort, SBI will provide a safe platform and contribute all the tools you will ever need to build a business for the long term. 

So how do you overcome all of these issues?

When I started my first site, I was a complete technical klutz, I had an interest but zero web design knowledge and only basic computer skills.  I had very little knowledge about the mechanics of building a site, let alone how to promote it. I was a user of search engines but had no idea how to get web-pages listed in their index.

And I had no idea how to turn what I know about my passion into a viable online business.


    Successful Online-Business-Building Is All About Following 
    The Right Process, Using Strong Tools, And Smart Work.

(and it is...)

Where do you find them all?

Site Build It! (SBI! for short) Worked for Me!

SBI! shows you the way to build a profitable, constantly growing, online infopreneurial business. Take what you know (from work experience, hobbies, passions, or pastimes) and convert that into a genuine, thriving enterprise that you will be proud to call yours, from the ground up, one step at a time.

You use the SBI! system of no-tech-skills-needed tools to execute the flawless step-by-step process to build a theme-based content site.

SBI! automates the tedious elements of site promotion and management so all your time is devoted to building your business... not fighting technology and complexity. A series of professional, integrated tools are further designed specifically to maximize your Return On Investment (ROI).

Your growing site generates targeted visitors who quickly become warm, willing PREsold prospective clients. They are ready for you to "monetize" (i.e., convert into income through a variety of methods/models -- more on this later).

Is it Easy?

No it is not. Not what you wanted to hear?

Building an information site with SBI! is not easy. It is a lot of hard work, but the steps are simple and anyone who is prepared to put in the time and the effort and follows the action guide to the letter, will be able to build a successful website business!

Is it Quick?

No. Again, probably not what you wanted to hear. But when was the last time that you created something for the first time, that you were truly proud of in a really short space of time?

I'm betting it doesn't happen often!

Building a website with SBI! takes time. Building traffic takes time. But it is definitely worth it.

But Don't Just Take My Word for It!

One of the huge advantages of being a SBI'er is that it is not just web hosting with helpful tools, it is a community.

Have a look at what some other SBI! website owners have to say...

Novices are welcomed into the fold through the forums, where they can find answers to virtually all of their questions. More experienced site owners generously offer their time and their expertise to anyone who needs help finding or understanding the wealth of information available on the company site.

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Solo Build It!

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