edging on squares necessary?

by Kimberley
(Geelong, Victoria, Australia)

I can't crochet to save my life, so I'm going to sew my squares together when my blanket is finished.

Because I am sewing them together, do I need to knit an edging on each side of the squares, as I am not good at this either - one side always ends up looking loose which is usually the right side, regardless of what stitch or pattern I am working with.


It is entirely up to you. I usually add a border around each square, but I do it because I like the way it looks.

You don't have to, it is your blanket, you can do whatever you want to with it. Sewing the squares together without adding a border is an entirely reasonable thing to do. So go for it!

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Joining knitted squares
by: Anonymous

You could pick-up stitches & dpo a 3 needle bind off

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