Help explaining directions

by Elizabeth
(Pensacola Florida)

I dont know what the pattern means in the 2nd paragrah after completing the 1st paragraph.

LEFT FRONT Cast on 60 sts using 33⁄4mm (US 5) needles.

Row 1 (RS): P2, (K2, P4) 4 times, K8, (P4, K2) 4 times, P2. Row 2: K2, (P2, K4) 4 times, P8, (K4, P2) 4 times, K2 . Rep these 2 rows 7 times more, ending with a WS row. Change to 4mm (US 6) needles.

Starting and ending rows as indicated and working chart rows 1 to 62 once, then repeating chart rows 63 to 86 only as required, work in patt foll chart for left front as folls:

* Work 2 rows.

Dec 1 st at beg of next row. 59 sts.

Work 5 rows, ending with a WS row.

Row 9 (RS): Work 2 tog, patt to within 2 sts of the 8 st cable, P2tog, work the 8 cable sts, P2tog, patt to end. 56 sts.

Dec 1 st at side seam edge of 6th and foll 5th row. 54sts.

Work 4 rows.

Row 25 (RS):As row 9. 51 sts.


You haven't said in your question, but I am assuming that as the pattern has a graph or chart for you to follow, that you are knitting a reasonably complicated Aran pattern.

What you have with these instructions is a kind of short hand used in knitting patterns. Basically what it is telling to you do is to follow the chart (do rows 1 - 62 first, then do rows 63 - 86 if you need to)

and at the same time

do the increases specified in the instructions from the * (which I added to my answer clearer).

So, work 2 rows (rows 1 & 2 on the chart).

Then on row 3 you do the first decrease row.

Then you knit 5 rows (rows 4 to 8).

On row 9 of the chart you do the second decrease row.

Row 10 is another decrease row and then you knit 4 rows (rows 11 to 14 on your chart).

I could go on, but I think you have probably got it by now.

Happy Knitting!

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