
by carol coffitt
(laurel hill nc)

If the pattern calls for 5 wt. yarn but all i can find in the chosen color is 4wt.

Using a # 11 needle, how many stitches must I add to get the correct width and length.


As many as you need to to get the correct width.

Are you planning on changing all of the pattern instructions as you knit your project?

Unless it is a straight piece of knitting, like for a blanket, then you would have to adjust all of the shaping as well or the finished item will not be the correct shape and will be a poor fit.

What you need to do is to change the needles to whatever size will enable you to match the tension or gauge specified by your pattern.

I can't tell you what size needles to use and I have no idea what your knitting tension is.

Are you a tight knitter or a loose knitter?

Does that pattern specify size 11's or is that just the size you think you should be using with the different weight of wool?

You need to knit a tension square with the 4wt yarn and the needles you plan to use. And then adjust the needle size to match the tension.

You will find instructions on how to knit a tension square on this page: Knitting a Tension Square.

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