Knitting Magic Loop Method?

I'm knitting socks with circular needles using the Magic Loop Method. I have been knitting in the Stockinette stitch, but it isn't looking right. It doesn't even look like I have been purling rounds at all, it only looks like I'm knitting the Garter stitch.

Do you know what I'm doing wrong?


Without being able to see exactly what you are doing and the end result it is very difficult to say what the problem might be. But I will add this question to the open answers section and hopefully one of the other visitors to the site might be able to help...

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Same issue- more info
by: Anonymous

I’m doing the sleeves on at-shirt, and using the magic loop. Knitting only-no purl. Stockinette- or the right side of the garment- is on the outside. I’m getting garter stitch on both sides of my rows. Haven’t a clue how this is happening or why… any suggestions? Appreciate it!

In the round
by: Anonymous

Yes you only do knitting not purling because you are only knitting on the right side that is you are not turning the knitting around and purling on the wrong side

Knitting Magic Loop Method?
by: Anonymous

Here are the instructions on how to knit using the "magic loop" method .....

When knitting using this "method" - you will be knitting continuously ... no purling at all ... save and except for working short-rows.

by: Anonymous

Maybe you haven't read the instructions right and have missed a step. When I knit socks on round needles I find that it looks like I am knitting garter stitch on the outside but stokinette stitch on the inside. Maybe it is the same case with your knitting.

Knitting Magic Loop Method?
by: Anonymous

While knitting in the round, you knit every round for Stockinette Stitch on the right side. No purling is done on this type of knitting (circular). Purling can only be done on the wrong side if knitting in rows. Hope this helps. Ally.

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