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The Rice Stitch knitting stitch pattern is a textured pattern that is quite easy to do and is rather effective. The pattern is knitted over multiples of 2 stitch plus one and two rows.
Rice Stitch works well as an all over stitch or as a panel placed between other stitch patterns on a garment and it looks good from either side of the knitted fabric. The right side of your knitting will look like rows/columns of knot stitches and the wrong or reverse side looks like rib stitch.
Assumed knowledge includes:
As indicated above, Rice Stitch is knitted over a multiple of 2 stitches plus one so basically you can easily use this stitch pattern for any odd number of stitches greater than 2.
The instructions for Rice Stitch are as follows:
1st row: *P1, kb1; rep from * to last st, p1.
2nd row: Knit all stitches.
Repeat these two rows.
To have the reverse side as the right side of your knitted piece, you just reverse the instructions.
1st row: Knit all stitches.
2nd row: *P1, kb1; rep from * to last st, p1.
The Rice Stitch knitting stitch pattern work very well when you use two or more colours. All you need to do is to change colour after each pattern repeat and you will get an effect something like this:
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