sides curling

by Melissa

Every project where I knit 1 row and purl 1 row has a finished product where the sides curl in. I tried a border of crochet but the sides still curl in.

Why does my work do this?

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natural stockinette
by: Nittykitty

I will start by talking about the stockinette
roll. If you look very closely at the knit stitch;
then turn the work & examine the purl stitch
very closely, you will see that the knit loop
looks like it is holding the yarn for the purl
in a tight suspension. This tight hold on the
yarn of the purl side tends to cause what is called a "natural roll" in stockinette work.

This is why you want to use the stockinette
concept when a roll is desired. This is used on
sleeves and hats, and other garments for a certain

Now, to answer your question on, "how to
prevent the stockinette roll from occurring".

By deciding on a selvage edge of your liking,
you will have some control over the sides.
A nice edge at the finish will gain a little more
control over the ends. But, if you want to create a piece with a total field of only knit stitches ; you will have to do something to alter the
general pattern. Or, you can double-knit the
work !!

This will cause a knit stitch field on
both sides. Where ever there is a region of pure
stockinette there will be some curling, or
roundness to the field. If you go stockinette
then reverse-stockinette, this will stop the
curl. Anything that interrupts the pure
stockinette movement in your work,(be it cables, or chains or seed stitch ) the curl will no
longer take place. So, you are not messing up;
it is the nature of the beast.

The rest is up to you. The double knitting
is the best way to have nice smooth knit stitches on both sides of your work with NO curling.

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