Soft Yarn for a Baby Blanket

by Helene

I want to knit a baby blanket. The other one I made using baby yarn was soft but sort of flimsy.

Can you suggest a type of yarn which would be soft for baby but have a little body..

Thanks for any help.

Hi Helene,

I am not familiar with the brands of yarn available where you are so I am unable to suggest a specific yarn but if you go shopping I can at least make a few suggestions about what to look for.

Firstly, most yarns that are sold as Baby Wool or Baby Yarn will be reasonably soft. If you are looking for one with a bit more body I would suggest that you look for a medium or heavy weight.

8 ply, DK, medium, worsted or heavy weight would do it.

If you can't find one that is sold as baby wool, try a merino wool or a synthetic yarn with nylon in it.

Some of the brands I use here that are really soft include Peter Pan, Patons Baby wool and Panda Baby Soft.

You can buy online, but in my opinion, there is no substitute for actually feeling the yarn before you buy to make sure that it meets your needs.

Good luck!

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double knit quilting idea
by: Nittykitty

I like using double knitting techniques when
I have a soft, gutless yarn that I really like the looks of. It really helps to create a seemingly
fluffy block in a baby blanket. Make one foot
blocks, quilting them every 3".

I also knit two strands together to create
a bulky looking yarn. These two concepts,(I think)
work very well.

If you don't know double knitting; you can
order the DVD: Double Knitting Delight,
by Lucy Neatby. Go to her Web site and check out
her DVDs !

Well, that's my opinion. For what it's worth
these things work for me.

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