Using different yarn

by Cherry


Two questions:

1)Looking at patterns on-line, 'pattern count' is referred to - does this mean there are (however many) different types of pattern or that the pattern uses a specific (however many) number of stitches?

2) Again, looking on-line, say for example, that I choose a make of double knitting wool and then buy a pattern from a different make. The wool guide will state how many stitches and rows when using specific size needles; however the pattern will specify a different stitch/row/needle size - in this case what do I do?

Go with the pattern specification or the wool specification?

Many thanks in advance!


The first question is difficult without actually seeing the patterns you are looking at but I would assume that the patterns have either a textured or lace pattern.

The pattern count is the number of stitches in each repeat of the pattern.

As for your second question, it is the tension stated in the pattern that you need to match. That does not necessarily mean that the yarn you have selected will not work.

What I would recommend is that you use a yarn that you already have that is the same ply as the yarn you wish to use and knit a tension square with the needles specified in the pattern.

If your tension is similar to that specified in the pattern, you can go ahead and buy the yarn you want to use. If not try experimenting with needles slightly larger or smaller until you can get the tension right.

If you just can't get the tension right and you still want to use that pattern, you will have to experiment with other weights of yarn.

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by: cherry

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