v neck sweater neckband confusing instructions

by Sandy
(Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Pattern is James C Brett JB319. I've picked up 33 stitches according to the directions.

Next row: knit
Next row: (K1,P1)7 times, K2togtbl, K1, K2tog, (P1,K1)7 times. 31 stitches.

That all was fine but I don't understand how I'm supposed to end up with 29 stitches if I follow the next part in the instructions:

Next row: Rib 2, cast off 1 st, rib to 5 sts at centre of V, P2tog, P1,P2togtbl, rib to last 3sts, cast off 1 st, rib 1. 29 sts

I would think if I followed the next instructions I would have the same number of stitches as I started with since I cast on 2 stitches and I knit 2 together two times . . .

But according to the instructions I'll have 2 less stitches in each of the next two rows.

Next row: Rib 2, cast on 1 st, rib to 5sts at centre of V, K2togtbl, K1, K2tog, rib to last 2 sts, cast on 1 st, rib 2. 27 sts.

Next row: Rib 2, cast on 1 st, rib to 5 sts at centre of V, P2tog, P1, P2togtbl, rib to last 2 sts, cast on 1 st, rib 2. 25 sts.

Cast off in rib.


You are right, there is an issue with the math in the pattern.

If you go through the instructions row by row and assuming that you are starting with 31 sts, by the time your reach the cast off row, you would have 27 sts rather than 25.

Next row: Rib 2, cast off 1 st (-1), rib to 5 sts at centre of V, P2tog (-1), P1, P2togtbl (-1), rib to last 3sts, cast off 1 st (-1), rib 1. 29 sts.

31 - 1 (cast off 1) - 1 (p2tog) -1 (p2togtbl) -1 (cast off 1 st) = 27 sts

Next row: Rib 2, cast on 1 st (+1), rib to 5sts at centre of V, K2togtbl (-1), K1, K2tog (-1), rib to last 2 sts, cast on 1 st (+1), rib 2. 27 sts.

27 = 1 (cast on 1) - 1 (K2togtbl) - 1 (K2tog) + 1 (cast on 1) = 27

Next row: Rib 2, cast on 1 st (+1), rib to 5 sts at centre of V, P2tog (-1), P1, P2togtbl (-1), rib to last 2 sts, cast on 1 st (+1), rib 2. 25 sts.

27 = 1 (cast on 1) - 1 (p2tog) - 1 (p2togtbl) + 1 (cast on 1) = 27

Personally I don't think it would make that much difference. We are only talking about a difference of 2 sts.

If it really bothers you and you want to get the stitches right, I would suggest that you change the "cast on 1 st" at each end of the last row to "cast off 1 st". That way you would end up with 25 sts.

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