Yarn has a knot

While knitting I ran into a knot in my yarn. What should I do? And is a yarn company inferior if I find a knot in my yarn?


Annoying,isn't it?

When this happens, just cut the yarn before and after the knot and re-join the ball to your work.

It is not a sign that the wool company is inferior, it is just something that happens at times. It is usually disappointing and I have come across a knot at the worst possible point before, but it is just a normal part of hand knitting.

You could argue that the company could have better quality controls in place, but not even the best manufacturers can completely eliminate small errors like this. They catch most of them but a very, very small percentage of faults can and will slip through the most rigorous quality checks.

And if you keep knitting long enough you are likely to find a wool break even in the balls produced by the premium wool manufacturers.

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Finding a knot in yarn while knitting.
by: Bonnie

I think I would go a step further and advise her to take back the row with the knot to the beginning of that row to cut out the knot. Then add the yarn back to her work leaving a tail about 6-8 inches long. She can tie the ends in a loose knot which will make it easier to handle.
Then when she constructs the item she can work the ends into the seam. One should really never tie in new yarn in the middle of the work. There is always the possibility it will show on the front or the ends will work their way to the front of the work.eu

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